Making a Big Wedding Feel Intimate

Even if you’re dreaming of a small wedding, when you and your partner both have large families, friends from all phases of your lives, and all the parents have friends that couldn't possibly miss your wedding, you might be stuck with a large guest list! What is the trick to making your wedding feel intimate, even though it is a big, fat, crazy wedding? Here are my favorite ideas to add a bit of personalization and allow for easy conversation when you have a large group gathering.

  • Customize the Guestbook

Ask guests to sign with a specific memory or thought. A piece of advice, favorite memory, favorite travel destination, guess how many kids, etc.

  • Meet and Greet

Find a way to meet/greet take pics with all guests.  A traditional receiving line is often difficult and long with over 250 guests, so this could be done with designated photo times, going to each table with a selfie stick or photographer, or hanging out at the photo booth for a time.

  • Get Moving

Give guests a reason to get up - having a photo booth, maybe an activity station if you have a good amount of kids coming, a dessert bar - all these give guests something to do. AND get everyone on the dance floor early! Call people on the dance floor by how long they’ve known the couple so everyone is included.

  • Conversation space

If your space allows - create lounge/cocktail table areas where your guests can interact easier than at larger tables.

  • Hashtags

Create a wedding hashtag or whatsapp group or use a wedding/photoshare app on which you can share pictures collectively.

  • Personalize

Any personal touches give a more intimate feel such as having pictures of guests or a personal note on the place cards, having custom cocktails,

  • Who is who?

When you have many guests that have not met, have a get to know you bingo game or questions at each table - (depending on the formality of your wedding/reception - this may be more appropriate for pre-wedding events).

  • Involvement

Involve your guests in the ceremony or even during the reception - anything from tossing flowers to exclamations. You could have instant cameras at each table or a designated videographer asking questions to each table.

  • Write Your Vows

While this does not involve your guests directly, having your own personal vows makes your guests feel as though they are part of a truly intimate moment.

  • Welcome People

When people come from far off it may be important that you give them some recognition. Customized welcome bags for out of town guests, calling them out during your speeches, these small touches make your out of town guests feel extra welcomed.
