Planning an At-Home Event (4 of 4)
Bugs & Landscaping
Mosquitoes can really damper the day here in MN - use citronella candles and torches. You may need to get the area treated once or a few times.
Does the homeowner keep up with landscaping? Does someone need to be hired to weed any gardens, mow the lawns, plant some extra flowers and foliage? Will a decorator be bringing in potted plants to accent areas?
Don’t forget to wear a pair of sensible shoes - flats, wedges, something that won’t get stuck in the grass.
Again, plan for hot/cold scenarios.
Make sure you discuss with the florist about what is best suited for an outdoor event. Certain flowers may not hold up well in high heat. Light arrangements may not hold up in windy conditions. See my previous post regarding florals here.
While people choose an outdoor area or their backyard so they can have outdoor pictures filled with greenery & flowers, often where they take those pictures is not given much thought. Scope out a few areas ahead of time so you can make a plan for spots that receive good light and a picturesque background.
From table decor to the tent decorations to just accenting the outdoor space, there are many areas to consider.